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New Construction Inspections

Don’t assume your new home is perfect when your builder hands you the keys.

In 1995, I bought a house and the builder went broke shortly after closing. I had built numerous houses in the past, but I did not inspect this house when it was being built, which was stupid. When the builder went broke, I finally gave the house a once-over and found numerous defective items missed by the county and the contractors. These included very short attic insulation, broken structural roof trusses, roof leaks, sliding door leaks, joist settlement from lack of correct bearing, AC units not being level, missing exterior caulking around windows, and stair railings that were never sanded — to name just a few. This blog will hopefully help you avoid aggravation and possible financial ruin.

People think they know everything about building a house, but actually they know very little about one of the largest, most expensive and complicated purchases they will make in their lifetime. I have very smart clients, some who are doctors, lawyers, housewives and electrical engineers with PhDs from MIT, Harvard and Yale. They all have one thing in common: most people assume they know everything about the construction of their homes. But after utilizing my Home Inspection service, they are surprised to learn that they know very little. Without a new construction home inspection, you could spend lots of money repairing items the builder should have done right in the first place, or pay insurance deductibles down the line for repairs caused by poor, improperly finished construction.

A new construction home inspection can teach you, the buyer, what to look for when building or buying a new house. You will learn to make informed and intelligent decisions so the builder does not take advantage of you. Plus, it will help save you money during the life of your home; money which you can use for a vacation, rather than home repairs.

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Bob Beisbier, owner of BK Home Inspections, is a Certified Master Home Inspector who has been providing professional and thorough home inspections in southeast Wisconsin for over 12 years. Bob is Infrared certified, DILHR Certified, and provides Home Energy Tune-ups, Environmental Data Reports, Pre-sale Home Inspections and Pre-offer Home Inspections.