BK Home Inspections > Articles by: Bob Beisbier


Ozone generators are not air cleaners. Have you been approached by sales people or seen a marketing ad stating that their air cleaning machine makes “activated oxygen” or refreshes the air “like a thunderstorm”. These terms give an impression that breathing ozone is good. In reality, the opposite is...

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Are geothermal heat pump worth the cost? Short answer: YES. Recently a client of mine asked me about the basics of Geothermal Heat Pumps (also known as ground source heat pumps). While the initial expense associated with the installation is about twice (or more) than a typical air to...

UV Technology

Clean the air in your home with UV? A healthy home buzz that has been going around is installing ultraviolet (UV) lights in air returns in your home to kill germs, viruses, mold, and bacteria before circulating back into your home. The UV lights in air returns can be...